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The proportion of new energy of 4.4819 million recalled passenger cars in 2022 will increase rapidly

Publish Date: 2023.01.04

According to the data from the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration, in December 2022, the recall scale of domestic passenger vehicles showed a trend of "tail lifting", with a total of 909544 vehicles recalled, an increase of 185.60% month on month, the second highest point in the year. From January to December, 4481938 domestic passenger cars were recalled, and the recall scale fell back to the lowest level in ten years.

2022年召回乘用车448.19万辆 新能源占比快速提升

Data source: according to the data collected by the Defective Product Management Center of the State Administration of Market Supervision and Administration

On the whole, in 2022, 42 auto brands in the domestic passenger car market issued 117 recall announcements, and 4481938 passenger cars were recalled, a year-on-year decrease of 48.68%. This is the first time that the recall scale has dropped below 5 million vehicles since 2015, or the lowest point since 2013.

2022年召回乘用车448.19万辆 新能源占比快速提升

In terms of monthly trend, the domestic passenger car market will show a significant "V" trend in 2022. In January and December, there were two waves of climaxes. Among them, the recall scale in January exceeded 1.54 million vehicles, which was the month with the largest number of recalls in 2022 and the first month of the year since the implementation of the domestic automobile recall system; In December, the recall scale exceeded 900000 vehicles, setting off the second wave of climax; In other months, the number of vehicles recalled in February, August and October was less than 100000. Compared with 2021, in 2022, the number of recalls in January, May and November only increased year on year, while the rest nine months showed a downward trend.

2022年召回乘用车448.19万辆 新能源占比快速提升

In terms of vehicle series, in 2022, German and independent recalls will be within 1.2 million vehicles, accounting for 26.74% and 24.92% of the total recalled vehicles, respectively, ranking the top two. A total of 1,198,533 passenger cars were recalled by 6 German brands, including 567,545 recalled by Mercedes Benz. Although the recall scale dropped significantly compared with the previous three years, the recall frequency remained high. A total of 21 recalls were released throughout the year, making it the only brand in the list with a recall frequency of double digits; In addition, Mercedes Benz recalled a wide range of models. In addition to the traditional mainstream models, five EQ series electric vehicles, including EQA, EQB, EQC, EQE and EQS, also made the list.

Since 2019, Mercedes Benz has been plagued by frequent and large-scale recalls, but it is certain that in the delayed recall of EQC in 2022, Mercedes Benz has provided users with complete arrangements and services before, during and after the recall, demonstrating the responsibility of a large factory.

Self owned brands continued the peak trend of recall last year. In 2022, 9 brands recalled 1116751 passenger cars, accounting for 24.92%. The self owned brand with the largest number of recalls is Wuling. In January, it recalled 609779 Wuling Hongguang S3 and New Wuling Hongguang S on a large scale due to the problem of "out of tolerance of manufacturing dimensions of manual transmission parts", ranking the second among all brands. It is worth noting that in 2021, Wuling (including Baojun) recalled as many as 1,456,677 vehicles, which is also the runner up of the recall throughout the year. Although Wuling can frequently launch popular products, it still needs to pay attention to quality building to maintain real sustainable development.

Next, the recall scale of Japanese and American brands was also "comparable", both exceeding 860000 vehicles. Among them, 9 Japanese brands recalled 876936 passenger cars, accounting for 19.57%; Four American brands recalled 863611 vehicles, accounting for 19.27%. Tesla has become the main force to promote the recall scale of American brands.

2022年召回乘用车448.19万辆 新能源占比快速提升

Specifically, in 2022, Tesla will recall up to 791502 passenger cars in six batches, making it the brand with the largest number of recalls throughout the year and the first electric vehicle brand to reach the top of the annual recall list. In addition, in 2022, new energy products of independent brands, joint venture brands, high-end brands and even super luxury brands will also be on the list frequently.

Focusing on Tesla, the recall scale in April and May exceeded 100000 vehicles consecutively. In December, more than 430000 domestic Model 3 and Model Y were recalled at one fell swoop due to the "position lamp cannot be lit". In November, Tesla recalled more than 320000 Model Y vehicles in the United States due to the same problem. Whether frequent large-scale recalls will have an impact on its products and brand strength still needs market inspection. Besides Tesla, Weilai, Weima, Jixing and Zero Running, which will be listed in 2019, will be listed in 2020. Xiaopeng, Jixing and other new auto making brands that will be listed in 2021 have not issued a recall announcement in 2022.

In 2022, 363658 passenger cars will be recalled by Korean Hyundai, Kia and Zenith, accounting for 8.11% of the total recalled cars. However, the recall proportion of brands from Britain, Sweden, Italy and France is less than 1%. (Guo Yue, reporter of China Economic Network)


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